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Displaying 10 to 20 of 182 - Next - Previous
Beyond Greve de Lecq, Jersey.
Ref: P/28460
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / Greve de Lecq
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: Alexr. Cowan & Sons, London
Dimensions: 75 x 98 mm

Royal Harbour, Jersey.
Ref: P/28413
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / St. Helier
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: J Harwood 26 Fenchurch St.
Date: 1855
Dimensions: 80 x 104 mm

Greve de Lecq, Jersey. (Sark in the Distance)
Ref: P/28463
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / Greve de Lecq
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: J Harwood
Date: 1855
Dimensions: 82 x 110 mm

Greve de Lecq Valley, Jersey.
Ref: P/28462
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / Greve de Lecq
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: J Harwood
Date: 1855
Dimensions: 82 x 104 mm

St. Brelade's Chucrh, Jersey. A. D. 1111.
Ref: P/28420
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / St. Brelade
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: J Harwood 26 Fenchurch St.
Date: 1854
Dimensions: 84 x 98 mm

St. Brelade's Bay, Jersey.
Ref: P/28461
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / St. Brelade
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: J Harwood
Date: 1854
Dimensions: 76 x 102 mm

St. Aubins' Bay from Noirmont Point, Jersey.
Ref: P/28416
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / St. Aubin
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: J Harwood 26 Fenchurch St.
Date: 1855
Dimensions: 83 x 104 mm

Victoria Harbour, St. Helier's, Jersey.
Ref: P/28418
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / St. Helier
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: J Harwood 26 Fenchurch St.
Date: 1855
Dimensions: 78 x 106 mm

Town of St. Helier's from St. Saviour's, Jersey.
Ref: P/28454
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / St. Helier
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: Alexr Cowan & Son, London
Dimensions: 70 x 96 mm

St. Helier's Chucrh, Jersey. A. D. 1341.
Ref: P/28419
Categories: UK Topography / Jersey / St. Helier
Medium: Steel Vignette
Engraver: J Harwood 26 Fenchurch St.
Dimensions: 79 x 105 mm

Displaying 10 to 20 of 182